(This post, written by me, was first published on my work blog over at www.thedeepbench.com. I figured I'd share it here as well. Enjoy. Hopefully.)
Ask yourself this question: “Do our customers consider us to be rock stars?” If you aren’t sure what I’m asking, watch Intel’s “Our rock stars aren’t like your rock stars” commercial, then read why the question matters.
Beyond just being funny, this commercial's message is deeper than it appears. Although it’s obviously overdone to add the element of humor (unless people really do wear shirts with Ajay’s photo screen-printed on them), the fact of the matter is that Intel uses the spot to distinguish its employees from employees in other fields. Although there are a large number of people in the world who don’t have any idea who Ajay Bhatt is, those that do know who he is most likely recognize and respect what he’s accomplished. And those same people are the ones working hard (for Intel) to create, innovate and become “rock stars” like him someday (in order to make life better for YOU, the consumer).
The question I ask is this. What are you doing to become a “rock star” to your customers or clients?
If you own a restaurant, how are you working to elevate your status from “that place makes decent hamburgers” to “SERIOUSLY…You have GOT to try these burgers!”? (Hint - It takes more than good food for the customer to have an amazing experience...)
If you run a retail business, what are you doing to take your customers from “I got my stereo here, but it’s cheaper to get it at Wal-Mart” to the point where they tell friends and family, “The customer service at [your store] was UNBELIEVABLE! It may not have been the cheapest place to get my stereo, but they were so great that I wouldn’t take my business anywhere else.”?
Basically, how are you engaging your customers or clients and making yourself (or your brand) a “rock star” in their eyes? If you’re not working to achieve that level of connection and engagement, why aren’t you? Frankly, if you’re able to answer the question “How is what we're doing making our customers' lives better?”, then you’re probably on the path to stardom in their eyes. If you can't answer that question, then you might want to develop a strategy to get yourself on the right path for rock star success.
Because honestly, wouldn't you rather be the rock star than the opening act?
What do you think? Which companies or brands do you feel are the rock stars in your life? Who do you know you can consistently rely on to give you a great experience? Who could do better? Let us know in the comments section below or hit us up on Twitter at @deepbench.