Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Sometimes things change. Our worlds flip a little bit. Or just get harder. Or whatever.

We just start thinking too much. About everything. And, amidst all that chaos (which isn’t really chaos…it’s mostly just chaos we create in our minds) we forget to stop thinking for a minute. We forget to breathe.

That’s why I love the Alexi Murdoch song embedded above. As the chorus puts it,

So don't forget to breathe
Don't forget to breathe
Your whole life is here
No eleventh hour reprieve
So don't forget to breathe

Keep your head above water
But don't forget to breathe

We may keep our heads above water. Whether we’re frantically kicking and thrashing or calmly treading water, we can keep our heads up. But if we forget to breathe, then it doesn’t matter if our head is above water or not.

This world can drown us in much more than water.

Don’t let it. Spend a minute today taking a deep breath. Maybe take two. Just stop thinking for a moment.

And the next time you’re upset or confused or frustrated or panicked or lost, don’t forget to breathe.

A new direction, I guess...

I'm in a strange place with my writing. I find that I rarely have the time I'd like to dedicate to my writing efforts. But I also know that I'll never improve if I don't make a habit of it. I've decided to try a new experiment over at a second blog I've started at

It's just a basic template and I don't intend to fancy it up until I decide if I like the direction in which it's heading. For now, I'll leave this site as Mike I will be trying to post more content here again in the upcoming days, weeks, months and years, but it's possible my attentions will shift over to the other site depending on how it develops.

It's also possible that I'll want to scrap this site and jump to posterous or something similar for the sake of simplicity. I guess I just don't know at this point. I have many things going on in my head (for example, I'd love to keep this site as, but I can't stand Blogger's structure and usability after getting so used to Wordpress in recent months), and I'm trying to organize all of those things in my head right now.

For now, I think this blog will become a strange combination of work-related content (which people might not care much for) and personal content (things I find funny, poems I write, life contemplations, etc.) until I find a better way to clear all of this up.

I hope you enjoy the content that begins to show up again on If you don't, I apologize and I'm open to any comments/suggestions/ideas as far as what you WOULD like to see from me on here.

Thanks for your patience, and I hope I don't let you down. All 2 or 3 of you.


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