Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Expecting Seuss...

I’m not going to lie. I was really excited when I heard it was Dr. Seuss’s birthday. I was all ready to head over to Google and see what Seussian shenanigans they used to incorporate the Cat in the Hat and Cindy Lou Who into the Google logo (I mean, Cindy Lou Who Goo…gle. It’s too perfect…).

So imagine my excitement when, upon my arrival, I saw this:

Oh wait. Did I say “my excitement” up there? I meant to say my disappointment.

I guess the question is this: Is my expectation that Google will celebrate fun birthdays and holidays with clever logo designs merited? Is it fair that what once started as a fun (and usually rare) switch for Google has now become an expectation in my mind?

That’s pretty much all I want to know from you. I’m interested in the concept of something going from a pleasant surprise to an expectation that leads to letdowns.

It’s nice when you give your significant other backrubs. But when you give them every night and then decide to stop, is it fair for your significant other to be let down by the change? If your boss is nice enough to let you leave work every Friday at 4:00 instead of 5:00 and you come to expect that, is it fair to be upset when he asks you to stay until 5:00 a few months down the road?

When does a bonus become an expectation? Is there a solution for avoiding this scenario besides “don’t do something enough to let it become an expectation?”

I think it’s an interesting question. If you have any thoughts, I’d love to hear them in the comments. Or, if you’d prefer it, tell me your favorite Dr. Seuss story instead. Both or either is fine with me. I’ll make sure not to “expect” anything either way.

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