Friday, April 18, 2008

Distractions #10 - #8: Let's get it on!

So begins my list of the Top 10 Things I Waste My Time Doing. The title could probably be shortened, but I like starting words with capital letters, so I’m going to keep it that way. I struggle with different distractions on different days, but sometimes, I come across all ten of the things on my list in one day. And those days aren’t productive. In order to keep you enticed, and to not have a novel-esque blog posting, I’m going to start with the first three and add the rest over the next few days. Let the games begin with number 10 on my list…

10. Eating
This may sound like a deceptively necessary element of life, but the truth is, I spend far too much time eating. Whether I’m in the Augustana Commons socializing with people while we reminisce about old times (and people watch), or whether I’m sitting at home watching college basketball or the Twins while I eat my hot ham water, the point is that I end up spending way too much time that should be spent on much more complex and important tasks than eating food.

9. Comic book reading (and buying)
Some people know this about me, and a lot probably don’t, but I love comic books (mostly Marvel). I’m assuming that, in the near future, I will probably have a long, long blog post about the intricacies of comic books (and why they aren’t just for seven year olds), but for now, let’s just say that I spend too much time and money on comic books on an almost weekly basis. Not only do they collectively take about an hour or two to read, but I spend tons of time reading about them on-line too. It’s a deadly combination. But man do I love it.

8. The last distraction for today: searching for crap I don’t need online
The items that fall into the category of “crap” are wide-ranging, so I figure I’ll address just a few of said items so you get a glimpse of what exactly I’m talking about. The bottom line is I have spent hours upon hours searching for useless things I don’t actually need, such as a glowing piece of the Agro Crag (for the first time in about two years of searching, one is actually there…the bid runs one more day so take a look), a DVD collection of the X-Men animated series (90s style), and Arrested Development t-shirts (ok…maybe I do need some of those…but they still waste my time). While there is a plethora of other junk on my time-wasting agenda, this is about .05% of the stuff on which I waste my time searching. And this is something that I know won’t be stopping anytime in the near future.

(A glowing piece of the Crag... Mike O' Malley would be crushed to see it being sold so frivolously. Although I'm pretty sure it's just a replica anyway, so no penalties from Mo.)

So there are the bottom three of my top ten distractions. If you have a connection to any of those three life obstacles, let me know. I’d be happy to discover there are more of you out there like me (and I'm happy to take any hints on how to not be so distracted by these things). I’d also be happy to find out what distracts you. For all I know, I could come across a new distracter that might poke its way into my top ten. And I would both hate you for it and love you for it.

West side…which you and I know is the best side.


Holli said...

I made Facebook bumper stickers of the "Hey Brother" shirt and another one we found of Tobias: "I just blew myself"

Also, I thought blogging/reading blogs was a distraction? Or is that still to come? If not, it's #11 because your last post was about it. Get it together!

Mike Billeter said...

I won't say anything about blog reading being "still to come." Other than the fact that, yes, it is still to come.

Miles Rausch said...

I'm this close:


to getting the Hero Squad t-shirt.

Mike Billeter said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's number two on my list. Only because I'm just not comfortable having the word "Analrapist" on my shirt...even if it is one of the funniest things to come out of that show. Other than the rest of the show.

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