My hip-hop posse would be comprised of this group of people. My reasons and logic are all explained along with each person's name. Needless to say, this would be a posse the likes of which had never been seen. I can't wait 'til I'm famous and can make *most* of this posse a reality. Scratch that. Make ALL of this posse a reality.
Rodrick Jackson
He was my best friend in high school who used to make killer beats on his desk with a pen and he's one of the funniest people I know. And he's a very good rapper.
My little brother
He's become somewhat of an eclectic hip-hop/rap listener (which would lead to some unique styles) and he has no problem being bluntly rude if he doesn't like something. He'd be helpful.
Miles Rausch
Mostly because he picked me to be part of his posse. And also because I think he'd do a very solid job of keeping me grounded and humble. And he could build my website.
Hugh Weber
Because he would be a great source of humor. And he would build a marketing strategy that would make me famous before I even released my first single.
Andrew Hewitt
He's a good friend, he's very funny, and he wouldn't be afraid to regulate if people had beef with my crew. And he would look hilarious as part of my rap posse.
Robert Frost
His dope rhymes would make him an excellent ghostwriter if my creative juices took a hiatus.
Lindsay Fünke
Because she's a stone cold fox and she'd be all about my cash flow.
I like how yours was halfway serious and Miles's was not at all serious. You can tell who's put more thought into this possibility.
Does this mean we have to "pour some out" for Frost and Funky because that'll make concert floors pretty gross in a hurry.
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