Friday, April 16, 2010

Changing Times

I thought about starting this post with a super cheesy intro. Something along the lines of “As the seasons change, so changes life…”

Then I realized that was dumb, so I decided to just write the post instead.

Recently, my life has changed. I have left my former place of employment (Deep Bench) and have taken on a role at a different Sioux Falls marketing and advertising shop called ADwërks. My Deep Bench departure is on completely amicable terms and there’s no bad blood or anything, but I needed a change and ADwërks came to the rescue.

I’m excited for what I will be doing here, which is continuing on my path of writing (traditional copy, web copy, blog posts, notes that I think are funny but the rest of the office probably finds idiotic, etc.), social media and content strategy, and perhaps even a little bit of account coordinating while I’m at it. Although the work is temporary as of now, I think it will be a great test for me to see if I really know what I’m doing in this wonderful industry we call marketing.

Lately, between my relationship with my girlfriend and some rediscovery (or maybe just regular discovery) of my faith, I’ve really felt more compelled than ever to treat every day as a gift from God and an opportunity to work hard and show that I have some value to offer this world.

Where it goes from here is still uncertain, but the feeling I have right now certainly feels right. With my feet back on solid ground again (for now), I intend to get myself refocused in lots of areas. One of them will be in writing consistently. It’s possible I will be publishing a book of poetry/short stories, which should be extremely exciting. And if it doesn’t happen, I’ll keep writing anyway and probably try to share more of it here on the blog. I hope you are looking forward to it as much as I am.

Hope you are all are doing well, and I’ll be back with more soon.


Holli said...

Gah! When you started the other blog, I thought it was replacing this one so I stopped subscribing. Glad my husband said something about your most recent post this morning.

Mike Billeter said...

I'm glad he did too. Sorry, I just wanted to go two different directions with what I was writing and wasn't sure if bouncing between the two on one blog would work. That said, I probably could add links to the other blog on both of them.

Good idea, Holli, even if it was unintentional. And I'm glad to have you back reading this one too. Thanks!

David Wolter said...

Great blog here, Mike. God, basketball, rapping, comic books - what's not to like? :) Keep it coming.

Mike Billeter said...

Thanks Dave. I figure I can try to throw some stuff up on here whenever I find time to not actually be writing stuff for work. Glad you approve. Always enjoy seeing the updates on your stuff too. Stay true.

Miles Rausch said...

I don't know if I ever formerly congratulated you; so, congratulations!

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