Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Brother, The Rapper

Sometimes you spend your whole life unintentionally influencing your little brother. Eventually you realize that he often likes the video games you like, he often likes the humor you like, he often likes the TV shows and movies you like...

And sometimes he even likes the music you like.

I'm not saying I helped create the legend that will someday be K. Billz...but I'm not saying I didn't either. Ladies and gentlemen of the Internet, I give you...

"Nugget Tuesday"


reaearch papers said...

Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.

Mike Billeter said...

That's true, research papers. Thanks for that insightful and not at all spammy comment.

Dear anyone else reading this blog, please don't click research papers's link. I'd just delete his (or her) comment, but I find it funnier to just mock it instead.

Peace be the journey, errbody.

Miles Rausch said...

Research papers has a point. This is information that need be available. Thankfully, you're not an institution, so you have that power to set this information free. The information of "Nugget Tuesday".

Mike Billeter said...

Ayy, whaddaya say?

Houston Home Security said...

I think you’ve made some truly interesting points. Not too many people would actually think about this the way you just did. I’m really impressed that there’s so much about this subject that’s been uncovered and you did it so well, with so much class. Good one you, man!

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