Monday, September 13, 2010

How Do You Make A Good Offer GREAT?

I originally wrote this post for the ADwërks work blog, but figured you guys might find it interesting too. Hope you like it!

Bed Bath and Beyond Bed Bath & Beyond is smart. Sneaky smart, even. Here’s why.

This weekend, Bed Bath & Beyond held a special “Bridal Registry Wrap-up Party.” The purpose? Recently married couples could get 20% off the gifts on their bridal registry that nobody had given them at their wedding.

Naturally, my wife and I circled the items we “needed” and headed in to clean house and show Bed Bath & Beyond we meant business. But when we arrived, the Bed Bath & Beyond folks hit us with a double-whammy that lit our eyes up like a Christmas tree (and ultimately proved how in control they were all along)…

“You can actually get 20% off of EVERYTHING in the store today.”

Wait…what? Everything? Even if it’s not on the registry? Like…everything?

Yep. Everything. Thankfully, my wife isn’t a wasteful shopper, but we still ended up with numerous items in our cart that were never on our registry (like a new electric razor for me…jackpot). All because Bed Bath & Beyond gave the right offer to the right (target) market.

Think about it: a select niche of shoppers was already in a buying mindset and had fresh wedding money to spend. By expanding the 20% discount to every item in the store, Bed Bath & Beyond ensured that guests of the “party” (snacks and door prizes included) would grab at least a few items they may have never purchased or would have purchased somewhere else at a lower price.

By making their good offer great, Bed Bath & Beyond saw loads of overflowing carts pass through their checkout lines – with little more than a carefully disguised 20% off coupon.

The question is, what are you offering right now that, with a little planning and focused targeting, could take your offer beyond just “good?” Let us know in the comments below. And if you don’t have any ideas, give the crew here at ADwërks a call. We can definitely help you figure it out.

-Mike B.

P.S. – Always be careful in the Beyond section at BB&B…

Photo by Rob Young. Thanks Rob!

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