Thursday, November 11, 2010

Conversations With My Wife, v1

Me: "You know what's weird?"

Her: "What?"

Me: "Superman fights for truth, justice and the American way...but he's not even American."

Her: (Blank stare)

Me: "In fact, really...he's not even human..."

Her: (Blank stare)

Nothing like a good philosophical debate before bed. Poor woman. Why she let herself get into this mess, I'll never understand...

Photo (Superman) by Katherine Johnson. Thanks Katherine!


ll said...

I love charity work...



Adige said...

Did she even get a good nights sleep after that?

Audrey said...

ahaha nice. I think I'll make your statement my facebook status. Not really. It's worthy and all, but I can't take credit for your wit.

Miles Rausch said...

Captain America should kick his ass and make him get a Green Card.

Mike Billeter said...

ll - Thanks, honey. It's such a blessing to have you in my life.

QIRANA - I hope you're laughing at my wit and not at my wife's hurtful, hurtful comment.

Adige - I don't know how she could have. I would've been willing to stay up all night debating it, so I'm assuming she felt the same mind-numbing pressure and struggled to fall asleep. Actually, she fell asleep in about two seconds.

Audrey - I appreciate that you were willing to put it up there. You're more than welcome to, as it's the message that matters most in my opinion. Now, if you were referring to my wife's wit in her comment, then that's your call. I personally don't see the humor in it, but maybe that's just me...

m!les - That made me laugh out loud for a decent amount of time. And I agree. Although I've always liked this Alex Ross image (where they seem to be, unfortunately, getting along:

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