Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Changing Directions

Hey friends and readers.

As you may have noticed, it's been a long time since I've posted anything on this blog. Sadly, I don't intend to update it much in the future. There's just a lot of life going on these past few years, and I'm not sure when I'll take the time to get to updates like the ones I used to post on this blog.

As a result, I'm changing the URL. Previously, mikebilleter.com redirected to this blog. But I would like mikebilleter.com to point elsewhere and be slightly more useful to me in the future.

I'm sort of sending this out as a possibly-last update from this blog. I appreciate everyone who read (or is still waiting to read) my updates. I'm not deleting the blog or anything, so there's always a chance I'll jump back in and post again in the future. I just don't have plans to anytime soon and I really wanted to redirect mikebilleter.com somewhere else.

I should clarify that I'm actually making two changes to this blog's URL. Besides removing the mikebilleter.com redirect, there will be a second change. The original URL for this blog was wisdomsmouthpiece.blogspot.com (which I had actually forgotten about entirely until today, and, in retrospect, kind of regret). For a number of reasons, I'm just going to switch it to mikebilleter.blogspot.com.

So, if you've got a subscription to this blog and are hoping to someday follow it if I ever post again, go ahead and start following mikebilleter.blogspot.com instead.

Thanks again for reading, and I hope to be back someday. Until then, enjoy this picture of my new son, Jack David. He's a pretty cute kiddo.


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