Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This made me laugh out loud today...

This is a very short post. In fact, it's just one picture. But it made me laugh out loud multiple times throughout the morning.

Whether it's been photoshopped has now come into question at this point, but the truth is, I don't really care. I'm just going to assume it's not and continue to laugh at it every time I see it...


Unknown said...

I wouldn't care if the Cookie Monster was photoshopped in this picture...b/c it would still be awesome.

Mike Billeter said...

Man...I would be so happy if Cookie Monster were a part of the discussion between the cops and the UPS driver. It would have made me even happier with the photo.

Miles Rausch said...

With so much going on, I think it's easy to overlook what appears to be a river on the right side. All of this is taking place on a river bank.

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